Title: Halloween Costume Selection in Newfoundland, Canada: A Tradition of Engraved Gifts and Shirts Introduction Halloween in Newfoundland, Canada, is a special time of the year. The vibrant fall foliage and crisp sea breeze set the perfect backdrop for this spooktacular holiday. What makes Halloween in Newfoundland even more unique is the local tradition of selecting costumes that pay homage to the island’s rich history and culture. In recent years, this tradition has evolved to include the art of engraving on gifts and shirts, adding a personal touch to the festivities. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Halloween costume selection in Newfoundland and how engraved gifts and shirts play a crucial role. Historical Roots of Newfoundland Halloween Costumes Newfoundland, with its deep maritime history and Celtic influences, has a long-standing tradition of celebrating Halloween. The island’s folklore is rich with tales of ghostly apparitions, faeries, and mythical creatures. Local...